
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011


O artista Neil Cameron nos brinda com um show de criatividade e de conhecimento sobre os personagens dos quadrinhos e dos desenhos animados em seu mais recente projeto. Inspiradíssimo, ele produziu esse belíssimo e divertido alfabeto dos quadrinhos. Diferente dos anteriores, já divulgados por aqui, ele fugiu do lugar comum de tentar transformar personagens em letras, para ir além, utilizou-se das iniciais de palavras-chaves pra criar os painéis abaixo. Pura genialidade, que merece ser conhecida, valorizada e difundida. Vamos a ela:
A is for... Aztecs in Atomic Armour Attacking Anomalous Amphibians
B is for... Buffy Bravely Battling Beelzebub
C is for... Captain Britain Cuddling Cerebus

D is for... Doctor Who Defeating Doctor Doom in a Deadly Disco Dance-offE is for... Evil Edna Evolving Emu into an Educated Erudite
F is for... the Fantastic Four saving the Finnish Ambassador from Fred Flintstone, who's Flinging Flaming Fajitas at his Ford FiestaG is for... Galactus Geeking out with his Glove puppets of Gundam and Godzilla
H is for... Hagar the Horrible Hacking Hello Kitty in HalfI is for... Indiana Jones Inching away from an Inebriated Iron Man
J is for... Joss. Just Joss.K is for... KISS KING KONG
L is for... Lois Lane, Lana Lang and Lori Lemaris Lasciviously Licking Lollipops at a London LandmarkM is for... MODOK's Melancholy Mouseketeer Memories
N is for... Nina and the Neurons Neutralising the Ninky-Nonk with NitrogenO is for... Optimus Prime Obliterating Oompa Loompas
P is for... Peter Parker Playing Ping-Pong with PikachuQ is for... Q and Q reading Q
R is for... Ranma Regurgitating Ryoga's RamenS is for... Sulu and Spiral Swashbuckling in Space
T is for... Tintin and a Timelord Taking Tea in TibetU is for... Uhura and Ultraman on a Unicorn, Underwater
V is for... Venom and Voltron Voguing on VulcanW is for... Wolverine Wishing Wonder Woman Wasn't Wasted
X is for... Xena eXperiencing Professor X's eXtravagant XenophobiaY is for... stay at the YMCA, Yoda wishes he could, hrrrmmm?
Z is for... ZZ Top Zapping Zombies

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